DX-30, dx-30j series signal relay
product description:
This series of signal relays includes DX-31B, DX-32A, DX-32B, suitable for DC operation, as action indicator.DX-31BJ, DX-32AJ, DX-32BJ are suitable for AC operation, as action indicators.
Product features:
The relay is embedded and highlighted, please indicate when ordering.
The product structure form is: A01K, A01H, T2 shape.
Technical parameter:
Relay working winding is rated at 220,110,48,24,12V or 0.01,0.015,0.02,0.025,0.04,00.05,0.075,0.08,0.1,0.15,0.2,0.25,0.5,0.75,1,2,4A.
The DX-32A / B holding circuit rating is: 220,110,48V.
Action value: action voltage is not more than 70% rated voltage; action current is not more than 90% rated current.
Hold value: not more than 80% rated hold voltage.
Return value: not less than 5% rating.
Power consumption: current winding is not greater than 0.3W and voltage winding is not greater than 3W.
DX-32A voltage holding circuit 220V is not more than 10W, 110V is not more than 5W, and 48V is not more than 3W;
DX-32B voltage holding circuit 220V not more than 20W, 110V not more than 10W, 48V not more than 4W.